Research Grants/Research Projects


List of Sponsored Projects of ECE Department

(a) Research and Development Projects

Title of the project Duration of project Funding Agency

Amount of grant


Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) 3 Years SERB, New Delhi 18.3 Lakhs On-Going
Financial Assistance to the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of SLIET Longowal to augment of research facilities in the Department 5 Years DST, New Delhi 61 Lakhs On-Going
Design and development of photonic plasmonic biosensors for detection of heavy metals in ground water of Punjab. 3 Years AICTE, New Delhi 25 Lakhs On-Going
Design of all photonics logic circuits based on optical nonlinearities of semiconductor laser amplifier for ultra-high-speed applications (In collaboration with Punjabi University, Patiala) 3 Years SERB, New Delhi 37.37 Lakhs Completed
Optical Metrology of ultra-short pulses for design of flexible MIMO based next-generation optical Communication Network. 2 Years DST-RFBR, New Delhi 21.48 Lakhs Completed
Design of Photonics Crystal Fiber Biosensor for Biochemical and Chemical Applications 6 Months FICCI, New Delhi  4.00 Lakhs Completed
Design and Development of Novel Optoelectronic   Devices for High-Speed Reconfigurable Optical Access Networks. 3 Years SERB, NEW DELHI 20.70 Lakhs Completed
Enhancement of Flexibility of Optical Communication Networks 3 Years AICTE, NEW DELHI 15 Lakhs Completed
Reconfiguration of Optical Fiber Links in Optical Network Topologies for Enhancement of Broadband Optical Communication Networks 1 Year TEQIP, SLIET LONGOWAL 0.75 Lakhs Completed
Low Power Application Specific Digital Signal Processing on Reconfigurable Platform 3 Years MHRD, New Delhi 10 Lakhs Completed
Neural Modeling of Transducers 3 Years MHRD, New Delhi 10 Lakhs Completed


(b) MODROB Grants

Title of the project Sanctioned Amount Funding Agency Status
Modernization of Wireless and Mobile Communication Lab Rs. 11.10/- Lakhs AICTE, New Delhi Completed
Modernization and Up-gradation of Digital Signal Processing Lab Rs.7.00/- Lakhs MHRD, New Delhi Completed
Advancement of Communication Lab Rs.9.00/- Lakhs MHRD, New Delhi Completed
Enhancement of Rural productivity (A joint project in collaboration with EDP Department, SLIET, Longowal) Rs.7.00/- Lakhs MHRD, New Delhi Completed
Repair & Maintenance of T.V., VCR and Other Electronic Equipments Rs.2.87/- Lakhs MHRD, New Delhi Completed
Studies on Optical Fiber Non-linearity and Dispersion for Broadband Optical Communication Systems and Networks (A joint project in collaboration with REC, Jalandhar) Rs.6.00/- Lakhs MHRD, New Delhi Completed
Modernization and Up-Gradation of Micro-Processor and Digital System Design Lab Rs.15.00/- Lakhs MHRD, New Delhi Completed